When you earn your keep online, you may think that providing customer service is no longer a priority. The fact of the matter is that making money in any realm is dependent upon your ability to sustain very high customer service standards. If you treat your customers like real people, instead of just a potential sale, you'll be much more likely to earn their business. Say you create your web page and sit back and wait for the money to come in, you may make a little money. But you aren't going to make near as much as you could if you gave these customers a good reason to come back to you. It shouldn't be hard to provide good customer service to your buyers. Customers can be given better service by implementing the following ideas.
Use the email list of your customers to ask for any suggestions about what you should do to improve the services you offer. Make sure to tell them you probably won't be able to make every change suggested, but that their opinion is very important to you. Some of the things you may learn could surprise you. Some customers might remember that they've been meaning to hire you to do some work. That one simple "help me help you" e-mail could bring in several sales!
If your business is relatively small and one that offers a service, it's good to give customers a way to contact you offline, such as by mail or telephone. Postal Boxes are not that expensive.You could rent an inexpensive post office box. Another good way to communicate nowadays is Skype. Between these two options, you have given yourself an offline identity, something that will endear you to your clients, especially if you answer your Skype calls when they come in.
You don't have to answer the phone all night; have regular hours set aside for this, and post these hours online so people will know when they can call you. Make sure you are actually available during the time you say you'll be. Talking to people like this might make more sales for you, as you become an actual person rather than another anonymous website.
Why not send your valued customers a free gift every once in a while? Don't be stingy here, though, as sending a mundane newsletter will probably not inspire much excitement. Say you write articles as a profession, why not send your client a free article based on something you know they are interested in? If your work by selling affiliate products, see if the affiliate company can offer anything free from their back office and then have them send out the products to the people that are on your list. Everyone loves something for free, and they will be more apt to buy from you again. It isn't a tough job to offer great customer service. As a matter of fact, it shouldn't really take you that long to offer good customer service. You can probably offer great customer service by spending five to ten minutes each day to make sure each of your clients get what they deserve. These few minutes that you devote to the process will return to you in the form of thousands in repeat sales! Now that you know how little it takes to make your customers happy, shouldn't you try it out? You will only benefit from it!
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