I remember when I first started my internet marketing business, I was told that leads were all important and that the first goal that I should be aiming for was 30 new leads every day.
So, off I went generating traffic full of confidence that 30 leads a day would mean financial freedom!
While this idea is certainly not bad, it is worth pointing out that quality of traffic is considerably more important than the quantity. Don't take this as a slight on my mentor, as this advice still carried me very far and, in fact, is the same recommendation that I make to each and every of my new team members.
30 leads a day is a really good starting target because, after all, it is vitally important to have good consistent traffic generation in order to build a successful business.
However, the point that I want to talk about is how to attract "buying" leads rather than "browsing" leads because the difference that it will make on your conversions and ultimately, your business success, is nothing short of astronomical.
What is a 'buying' customer?
Well, just as the name implies, a buying customer is a prospect that is prepared to make the commitment and 'buy-in' to your business, product or service.
In fact, one of the key reasons that many fail in the internet marketing industry is not through lack of ability, intelligence, or even action - but that they are putting all their efforts towards attracting people who are 'just browsing' (probably the worst words to hear for anyone who has worked in retail!)
So, how do you attract buying customers to your business?
Simple, you just have to target your marketing at them!
Consider this.
If you are interested in getting a TV and you know you want a flat screen, what do you put into the search engine (assuming you're shopping for it online!) - probably something generic like 'flatscreen TV' or even '(brand name) flatscreen tv' at a push!
Is this an indication that you are ready to buy?
NO! Of course not, if you don't know what TV you want, chances are you aren't ready to purchase one just yet - you are more than likely doing research to find the right model for you.
And this is just the same with the home business industry!
People searching for 'online business opportunities' are probably not ready to make a commitment just yet (N.B. Some are so DO put some effort into generalised marketing, but the majority aren't!). The majority of people who buy are further along in the 'buying process', they have already done their research and to a large extent, made up their mind.
So, now you just have to be where they look next.
The best way to attract 'buyers' therefore is to make sure your keywords are 'buying' keywords; that is, keywords that are more specific - the kind of terms that a buyer will be searching for!
In our TV example again, a buyer might search directly for the model number - e.g. Sony KDL55X4500. They know EXACTLY what they're looking for and therefore, are more likely to respond to a good offer.
So, how do you do this?
Simple, aim your marketing effort and keyword research at the specific things that you searched for when you found your business/product/service, focus on the problems it solves and try to be as specific as possible.
Good luck!
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